ayurvedic nutrition

In nature there exists a balance between the incoming and outgoing seasons where the changing the landscape is held together in a sustainable way. By turning your personal biochemsitry into nutrition recommendations that cycle seasonally we set the tone for other lifestyle habits to get you back in sync with nature.

Seasonal Diet

Seasonal approach: eating foods on nature’s schedule is sustainable and takes the guess work out of nutrition. When foods are harvested and consumed during optimal seasonal conditions the foods are not only more nutrient dense but are packed with more of the ingredients we need to digest food fully and maintain intestinal balance.

Reduce Inflammation

We draw on universally valuable principles from the paleolithic and slow-carb diets. In order to be specific and support an individuals unique needs we apply Ayurvedic Dosha-based guidelines that consider mind and body type needs. Combined with the seasonal approach, also rooted in Ayurveda individuals can take a lifelong approach to eating with built in detoxification periods during smooth transitions with nature

Optimize Metabolism

These time tested traditional approaches don’t always meet all of your needs and additional supplementation may be necessary. Our online supplement store is packed with formulas that match our treatment protocols. The handful of brands have been selected from thousands of options and represent 20+ years of investigating nutritional guidelines.